Sediment Policy 98-1 TAC
The charge for the Sediment stakeholder workgroup and Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is to advance existing or, introduce new, scientifically sound tools or methodologies related to protecting aquatic life from excess deposits of clean, fine sediments that are generally based on existing Colorado data. The existing or new tool(s) should be able to be used to identify or predict the degree of impact to the aquatic community caused by deposits of sediment at a given test site. The efforts must be an enhancement over the procedures that are currently included in Policy 98-1. At the conclusion of this workgroup process, the division will propose revisions to the Policy 98-1 that the Water Quality Control Commission will consider through an administrative action hearing. This hearing is scheduled for November 2024.
Participation in the larger stakeholder workgroup is open to all interested parties. Participation in the TAC is open to scientific and water quality professionals, spanning local, state, federal, non-governmental organizations, and academia, who are experienced in the field of benthic macroinvertebrates and/or are knowledgeable of sedimentation issues that may impact this biological assemblage. The division would like to keep the TAC at 8-9 members.
To participate in the TAC, please email Chris Theel or visit:
A stakeholder workgroup kickoff meeting is scheduled for November 7, 2023 from 1:30-3:30 pm. This meeting will be conducted via the Zoom platform. Please see the division's Sediment 98-1 landing page for additional meeting details and how to sign up for Zoom participation.
The first Technical Advisory Committee meeting is scheduled December 6, 2023 from 9:00-11:00 am. This meeting will be conducted via Google Meet. Google Meet invites will be provided to the TAC participants.
Meeting documents/materials located here: