MS4 – Stormwater

The MS4 Issues Stormwater Work Group was formed in 2012 to create an open forum to discuss stormwater-related permit issues. The first item for discussion was the roadway reconstruction memorandum prepared by CDPHE and issued on January 20, 2012. The memo stayed any enforcement issues on the roadway reconstruction issue until further dialogue could be had with the MS4 Issues Work Group.

When available, the current year and previous year meeting summaries, presentations, and handouts are kept on this page. For documents older than two years, please visit the button for Archives or use the search function.

If you are interested in joining the discussion or simply want to receive information on the 303(d) listing methodology work group, use the list serve form (check list icon), located on the left hand side of the web page. The completed form will be forwarded to the Coordinators of the work group(s) that were signed up for. The form can also be used to remove yourself from a work group.

In 2018, the Water Quality Forum adopted the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) communication spectrum. Developed to assist with public participation, the IAP2 communication spectrum is a universally applicable framework that can be used to clarify a meeting’s intended level of participation, intent, and goal(s) in hopes of focusing the conversation, improving transparency, and setting expectations. At the beginning of every work group meeting, the work group Chair will identify where on the communication spectrum the discussion will be.

In order to get a better handle on placement of documents and improve searchability, membership is requested to use the document naming convention explained in the document naming conventions guideline. If the submission does not follow the convention, the work group coordinator will be responsible for renaming the document before sending the file(s) to be posted. All files must be saved as a *.pdf before sending it to the web contact for posting.