Aquatic Life Policy 10-1
Overview Officials Meetings Documents Direct measurement and characterization of the health and well-being of the aquatic community in surface water are critical to determining how effectively Colorado is achieving the ultimate goals of the Colorado Water Quality Control Act (“CWQCA”) and the Federal Clean Water Act (“CWA”), which are to restore, maintain, protect, and improve the quality of our water resources. To this end, one of the specific policy goals of the CWQCA is the “protection and propagation of wildlife and aquatic life”. Policy 10-1 is the Colorado Water Quality Control Commission’s methodology for determining whether the aquatic life use is attained in rivers and streams. From 2016 to 2017, the Water Quality Control Division worked with stakeholders to improve Policy 10-1, and the Water Quality Control Commission adopted the proposal in August 2017. The current iteration of Policy 10-1 expires on December 31, 2025. The following proposals will be the focus of the Policy 10-1 stakeholder engagement process as possible enhancements: Reference and stressed site lists were revised – re-evaluate metric performance and determine if MMIs should be revised Possibly modify biological thresholds Investigate site classifications or Biotypes – potentially split Biotype 1 into East and West EDAS usability - port EDAS to a more contemporary Microsoft Office Access version Stakeholders will review past updates and analyze the division's anticipated technical work with Tetra Tech. The division invites water quality professionals and the general public to join the division's continued efforts to improve Policy 10-1. Participation in the larger stakeholder workgroup is open to all interested parties. Participation in the narrowed Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is open to scientific and water quality professionals, spanning local, state, federal, non-governmental organizations, and academia, who are experienced in the field of benthic macroinvertebrates and development of Colorado’s bioassessment tools. Chair Chris Theel (303) 692-3558 christopher.theel@state.co.us Co-chairs Annie Berleman aberlemann@csu.org Jen Stephenson jstephenson@northernwater.org A stakeholder workgroup kickoff meeting is scheduled for October 3, 2024 from 10:00 am-12:00 pm. This meeting will be conducted via the Zoom platform. Please see the division's Aquatic Life 10-1 landing page for additional meeting details and how to sign up for Zoom participation. The first Technical Advisory Committee meeting is scheduled October 29, 2024 from 10:00 am-12:00 pm. This meeting will be conducted via the Zoom platform. Meeting documents/materials located here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1fvSQUZQXxBFkWWtxJfjoQnrnfJmAk0xy
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Permit Issues
Overview Officials Meetings Documents Archives The Permits Implementation Work Group formed out of the Regulation No. 61 workgroup to understand how regulations, policies, guidance, and standards were applied in permits, and to evaluate whether any change was needed. The Water Quality Control Division participates in meeting of the workgroup during even months of the year (months when no Water Quality Forum meeting is scheduled). The group has a list of issues of concerns and prioritizes those issues into a workplan for the year. If you are interested in joining the discussion or simply want to receive information on the Permit Issues workgroup, use the Workgroup Signup Form at the bottom of this page. Upon signing up, you will receive details about meetings, handouts, and other related information. Your information will not be shared; you can manage your subscription preferences by following the link at the bottom of every email you receive. In 2018, the Water Quality Forum adopted the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) communication spectrum. Developed to assist with public participation, the IAP2 communication spectrum is a universally applicable framework that can be used to clarify a meeting’s intended level of participation, intent, and goal(s) in hopes of focusing the conversation, improving transparency, and setting expectations. At the beginning of every work group meeting, the work group Chair will identify where on the communication spectrum the discussion will be. In order to get a better handle on placement of documents and improve searchability, membership is requested to use the document naming convention explained in the document naming conventions guideline. If the submission does not follow the convention, the work group coordator will be responsible for renaming the document before sending the file(s) to be posted. All files must be saved as a *.pdf before sending it to the web contact for posting. Reference Documents Webinar Proposal 2019 Permit Issues Forum White Paper Template Permit Issues Forum Issues List 2016-2017 Permit Issues Forum Issues List 2017-2018 Permit Issue Forum Issues List 2018 - 2019 Permit Issues Forum Workgroup Guidelines, revised on February 2019 Examples of Antidegradation Alternatives Analysis (pdf) WQCD - Water Quality Guidance Chair/Coordinator Andrew Neuhart aneuhart@BrwnCald.com Erin Donnelly edonnelly@BrwnCald.com Permit Issues Forum Meeting Schedule - 2020 May 21, 2020; 2 pm to 4 pm; Dial-In at 1-888-404-2493 2020 - May Permit Issues Forum Workgroup Meeting Agenda May 21, 2020 Permit Issue Forum Meeting Minutes May 21, 2020 Reference Documents - 2018 Reg 61 Division PHS Proposal (with comments) - Additional Stakeholder Questions August 16 Reg 61 Proposal Edits July 16 Reg 61 Stakeholder Consolidated Draft Redlines on WQCD July 13 Reg 61 Stakeholder Consolidated Draft Redlines on WQCD RMH Notice Version July 13 LE WWTP Comments on Multiple WQCD Memos, Jan 8 MWRD Comments on Multiple WQCD Reg 61 Memos, Jan 8 ERSWD Comments on Multiple WQCD Reg 61 Memos, Jan 8 Xcel Energy Comments on Reg 61 Electronic Reporting.pdf, Jan 12 Vranesh Raisch Comments WQCD Memo re EPA NPDES Rule Reg 61 Updates, Jan 12 Parker WSD Dominion WSD Comments on Reg 61 Procedureal Issues, Jan 16 Vranesh Raisch Comments on Reg 61 Procedural Issues, Jan 16 MWRD Comments on Reg 61 Procedural Issues, Jan 16 WQCD Summary of Reg 61 Current Proposal, March 21 WQCD Summary of Reg 61 Current Proposal, May 2 Updated Briefing Memo on Sufficiently Sensitive Testing Methods May 16 Stakeholder Consolidated Draft Redlines on WQD Reg 61 RMH Notice Version Stakeholder Consolidated Draft Redlines on WQCD Reg 61 SBP WQCD Reg 61 Proposal Edits WQCD Division PPHS (with comments).pdf July 25 PIF PHS Proposal (with comments); Additional Stakeholder Questions August 16
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Work Group Signup
The Forum uses MailChimp. The Sign Up button below will take you to a form for the following Forum workgroups: MS4/Stormwater Aluminum Permit Renewal Process Data & Communication…
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Work Group Archives
303(d) Listing Methodology Agricultural Diversions Ammonia Standards Annual Retreat Aquatic Life
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Aluminum Workgroup
Overview Officials Meetings Documents Workgroup Archive The Aluminum Workgroup was formed in 2021. Aluminum criteria is being reviewed by the Colorado Water Quality Control Division, this workgroup will be having discussions related to status of aluminum in Colorado water ways, effluent discharge, and the use of aluminum to treat for nutrients. The goals will be to establish data collection efforts to fill data gaps, and to gather information on treatment options for aluminum, and gather information on the future use of aluminum for nutrient treatment. All information will be shared with the Water Quality Control Division and any other interested parties. Coordinator Mindi May melynda.may@state.co.us Phone: 303-291-7124 Co-Chairs Bob Gensemer Email: bgensemer@geiconsultants.com Jim Dorsch Email: JDorsch@metrowaterrecovery.com Meetings will be held via Zoom and the link is the same for all meetings: Click to join meeting January 8, 2025 10:00-11:00 am June 4, 2025 10:00-11:30 am Aluminum Workgroup Agenda pdf, October 11, 2023 Aluminum Workgroup Agenda pdf, May 8, 2024 All archive files can be found in the Aluminum Workgroup archive folder.
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Permit Renewal Process Data & Communication Needs
Overview Officials Meetings Documents This workgroup is a collaborative and focused effort on the renewal application materials and process to ensure dischargers have adequate information and time to plan for permit renewals. This workgroup will benefit both permittees and Division staff to have a transparent process and well-communicated data requirements. By formalizing this work through a forum workgroup, the process will likely be more efficient; A thoughtful evaluation of data needs and communication plan to the regulated community about the permit renewal process will limit delays in permit processing, and ensure that limits are calculated appropriately; Inclusion of stakeholders within a WQF workgroup will help to broaden the reach of communication of data needs, and increase the buy-in of permittees to process changes. Coordinator Dan DeLaughter ddelaughter@englewoodco.gov Phone: 303-762-2605 The first meeting will be held on October 22, 2024 time 8:30 - 10:00 am, via Teams. Meeting link: Attend on Teams Meeting ID: 287 257 431 134 Passcode: eEk2iL, Phone only option - +1 720-739-6719,442319681# Please view the Documents tab for meeting materials. Potential Workgroup Topics October 22, 2024 Agenda
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Colorado Dredge and Fill Permitting
Overview Officials Meetings The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency published a revised Waters of the United States rule that came into effect on June 22, 2020. The final rule substantially rolls back federal protections that were established in 2008, and even the protections established prior to that time. Colorado has relied on the federal government to protect these waters since Colorado does not have existing laws or regulations that allow state streams, lakes, and wetlands to be filled. The Navigable Waters Protection Rule took effect in Colorado on April 26, 2021, after a court decision. The department is working with stakeholders on a solution that protects the beneficial uses of state waters no longer under federal jurisdiction. Chair Nicole Rowan nicole.rowan@state.co.us Phone: 720-675-8786 Coordinator MaryAnn Nason Email: MaryAnn.Nason@state.co.us Phone: 530-587-7296 Information will be posted on the division's engagement webpage: https://cdphe.colorado.gov/water-quality-waters-united-states
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Implementation of Temperature Limits in Permits
Overview Officials Meetings The purpose of this work group is to update Water Quality Policy-23, “Procedures for Conducting Assessments for Implementation of Temperature Standards in Discharge Permits” and to identify outstanding issues related to implementing temperature standards into permits. The work group is anticipated to begin in January 2022. Website: https://cdphe.colorado.gov/water-quality-engagement Co-Chairs: Meg Parish parish@state.co.us Phone: 303-692-3419 Meghan Wilson wilsonm@bouldercolorado.gov 303-328-7809 Coordinator MaryAnn Nason MaryAnn.Nason@state.co.us 530-587-7296 Information will be posted on the division's engagement webpage: https://cdphe.colorado.gov/water-quality-engagement
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Permits Webinar
Overview Officials Meetings The Water Quality Control Division has quarterly Clean Water webinars for Colorado Discharge Permit System permittees and the public. The purpose of these webinars is to provide up-to-date information and conversations on division activities that could affect permittees, future permits, and Colorado’s water quality. The webinars are open to the public and anyone is welcome to attend. Permittees and the public can provide input on topics and presentations for upcoming webinars. During the 2023–2024 Water Quality Forum work year, there will be not be any Webinar subcommittees given the Division’s focus on significant renewal backlog, hiring and training new staff, updating the 10-year Roadmap with outreach in early 2024 on feasibility issues, and stakeholder outreach for fee setting by rule. There will be a focus on increasing communication and engagement during the webinars. Website: https://cdphe.colorado.gov/Water-Quality-Control-Division-Permits-Webinar Chair Andrew Sayers-Fay andrew.sayers-fay@state.co.us 303-692-3419 Co-Chair Nathan Moore nathan.moore@state.co.us 720-263-6232 Coordinator MaryAnn Nason MaryAnn.Nason@state.co.us 530-587-7296 Information will be posted on the division's engagement webpage: https://cdphe.colorado.gov/Water-Quality-Control-Division-Permits-Webinar
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