• using biosolids for compost

    PFAS and Biosolids

    Overview Officials Meetings Documents Archives The division plans to evaluate if any interim changes are needed to Regulation 64 and/or its implementing authorizations, policies, and practices to address potential risks associated with PFAS in biosolids. In Colorado, Regulation 64 is the biosolids regulation and it establishes requirements, prohibitions, standards and concentration limitations on the use of biosolids as a fertilizer and/or organic soil amendment in a manner that protects public health and prevents the discharge of pollutants into state waters. The EPA is in the process of conducting a risk-based evaluation of PFAS in biosolids, but it is expected to take a few years. The division plans to evaluate if any changes are needed at this time prior to the availability of more information on the potential for risks associated with PFAS in biosolids. Coordinator Tim Larson Phone: 720-281-9582 tim.larson@state.co.use Chair Nathan Moore Phone: (720) 263-6232 nathan.moore@state.co.us The division plans to launch this effort in early 2022. Information will be posted on the division’s engagement webpage: cdphe.colorado.gov/water-quality-engagement. There are no documents available at this time. There are no archives available at this time.

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    Regulation 21 Revisions

    Overview Officials Meetings Documents Archives This workgroup is to evaluate and propose revision to the Reg 21 procedural rules underlie all WQCC and WQCD adjudications and rulemakings. A hearing for this rule has been postponed and this workgroup is pending initiations dependent on available WQCD resources. Chair Nathan Moore Phone: (720) 263-6232 nathan.moore@state.co.us Coordinator TBD Coordinator Jojo La Phone: (303) 501-7564 jojo.la@state.co.us Documents to come

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    Regulation 22

    Overview Officials Meetings During the stakeholder work leading up to the Water Quality Control Commission hearing for Regulation 22 Site Location and Design Regulations for Domestic Wastewater Treatment Works (Regulation 22) in March 2020, the workgroup could not reach consensus on two items. The workgroup agreed to not include these topics in the rulemaking hearing and continue discussing these topics following the 2020 commission hearing and the development of the Regulation 22 Implementation Policy. The two currently unresolved items that are being discussed in a Regulation 22 Ongoing Discussions Water Quality Forum workgroup include: 1) finding an agreed pathway for historical infrastructure that exists but does not appear to have site location and design approval; and 2) exploring the possibility of construction flexibility through the site location and design application processes. The Regulation 22 Ongoing Discussion Work Group anticipates meeting monthly on the last Monday of the month. Sign up for email notifications for updates and meeting announcements. Website: https://cdphe.colorado.gov/water-quality-engagement Chair David Kurz david.kurz@state.co.us 303-692-3552 Coordinator Kaitlyn Beekman kaitlyn.beekman@state.co.us 303-691-4084 Information will be posted on the division's engagement webpage: https://cdphe.colorado.gov/water-quality-engagement

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    Regulation 84 Rework

    Overview Work Group Officials Meetings Documents The reclaimed water workgroup was formed in 2020 to consider improvements to Regulation 84. Any changes would be proposed to the Water Quality Control Commission in May 2022. The goal of the division’s proposed changes would be to improve the regulation, make general clarifications and corrections, improve efficiency in the reclaimed water program and reduce repetitiveness in the regulation. Additionally, the division will consider alternative processes to authorize new uses. Details about stakeholder meeting information will be listed on the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment website. In order to get a better handle on placement of documents and improve searchability, membership is requested to use the document naming convention explained in the document naming conventions guideline. If the submission does not follow the convention, the work group coordinator will be responsible for renaming the document before sending the file(s) to be posted. All files must be saved as a *.pdf before sending it to the web contact for posting. Coordinator Brandi Honeycutt Phone: 303-692-6357 brandi.honeycutt@state.co.us Chair Meg Parish Phone: 303-692-3419 meg.parish@state.co.us 2021 For information on the stakeholder meetings, please visit the following website: https://cdphe.colorado.gov/reclaimed-water-stakeholders There are no documents available at this time.

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  • Regulation 82 Possible Revisions

    Regulation No. 82 401 Water Quality Certification Revisions

    Overview Officials Meetings Documents Archives Section 401 of the federal Clean Water Act (CWA) requires that any applicant for a federal license or permit request a 401 certification from states or other certifying authorities (e.g., Tribes, EPA) to ensure that the permitted activity will comply with applicable water quality requirements for Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS). In Colorado, section 25-8-302(1)(f), C.R.S., confers the responsibility to grant, grant with conditions, or deny a 401 certification request by the WQCD. Regulation No. 82 sets forth definitions, procedures, and requirements related to the division’s 401 certification process. Regulation No. 82 is scheduled to be reviewed every three years (triennial review), and the last update was in 2018. The 2021 hearing was postponed due to the issuance of a new 401 rule in 2020. In 2022 alternative new 401 rule was proposed (improvement rule), and is currently under review. The WQCD proposes to update Regulation No. 82 to coincide with the approved 401 rule, whichever one is in place. The WQCD proposes to hold two stakeholder meetings in early 2024 with the expectation of a federal 401 rule finalized. Once the stakeholder meetings conclude, the WQCD will update Regulation No. 82 and present the update regulation to the Water Quality Control Commission for approval. The WQCD is proposing for the hearing to be held in October 2024. To join this subgroup and learn more please visit: https://cdphe.colorado.gov/water-quality/water-quality-engagement/reg-82-401-water-quality-certification-process Chair Scott Garncarz (720) 263-1896 scott.garncarz@state.co.us Coordinator Alex Powell alex.powell@state.co.us Coordinator Aimee Konowal (720) 441-2286 aimee.konowal@state.co.us Visit the Division's Engagement website to sign up for the workgroup: https://cdphe.colorado.gov/water-quality/water-quality-engagement/reg-82-401-water-quality-certification-process EPA 401 certification website: https://www.epa.gov/cwa-401   Current Colorado Regulation 82: https://www.coloradosos.gov/CCR/GenerateRulePdf.do?ruleVersionId=7939&fileName=5%20CCR%201002-82 Not available yet.

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  • Sediment Policy 98-1 TAC

    Sediment Policy 98-1 TAC

    Overview Officials Meetings Documents Archives The charge for the Sediment stakeholder workgroup and Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is to advance existing or, introduce new, scientifically sound tools or methodologies related to protecting aquatic life from excess deposits of clean, fine sediments that are generally based on existing Colorado data. The existing or new tool(s) should be able to be used to identify or predict the degree of impact to the aquatic community caused by deposits of sediment at a given test site. The efforts must be an enhancement over the procedures that are currently included in Policy 98-1. At the conclusion of this workgroup process, the division will propose revisions to the Policy 98-1 that the Water Quality Control Commission will consider through an administrative action hearing. This hearing is scheduled for November 2024. Participation in the larger stakeholder workgroup is open to all interested parties. Participation in the TAC is open to scientific and water quality professionals, spanning local, state, federal, non-governmental organizations, and academia, who are experienced in the field of benthic macroinvertebrates and/or are knowledgeable of sedimentation issues that may impact this biological assemblage. The division would like to keep the TAC at 8-9 members. To participate in the TAC, please email Chris Theel or visit: https://cdphe.colorado.gov/water-quality/water-quality-engagement/policy-98-1-sediment-guidance Chair Chris Theel (303) 692-3558 christopher.theel@state.co.us Coordinator TBD A stakeholder workgroup kickoff meeting is scheduled for November 7, 2023 from 1:30-3:30 pm. This meeting will be conducted via the Zoom platform. Please see the division's Sediment 98-1 landing page for additional meeting details and how to sign up for Zoom participation. The first Technical Advisory Committee meeting is scheduled December 6, 2023 from 9:00-11:00 am. This meeting will be conducted via Google Meet. Google Meet invites will be provided to the TAC participants. Meeting documents/materials located here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10FN0Fdd5HBXMON6yx320sBWdINUkMt4c 

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    10-Year Water Quality Road Map

    The 10-Year Water Quality Road Map Work Group is a continuation of work previously done by the Division. Rather than posting documents on two web sites, use the following link to go to the Division web site https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/cdphe/clean-water-nutrients. There you will find past and current documents. You can sign up to receive meeting notifications by selecting the Sign Up button located at the bottom of this page or directly on the Division web site here. 10-Year Water Quality Roadmap Update for 2021

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    303(d) Listing Methodology

    Overview Officials Meetings Documents The 303(d) Listing Methodology provides a framework for determining attainment or non- attainment of assigned water quality standards and designated uses in support of developing Colorado’s 303(d) List of Impaired Waters and the Monitoring and Evaluation List. Every two years, a 303(d) Listing Methodology stakeholder workgroup considers revisions to this document. Monthly workgroup sessions are scheduled from September through November of this year. At the conclusion of this workgroup, the Division will propose revisions to the Listing Methodology that the Water Quality Control Commission will consider through an administrative action hearing. This hearing is scheduled for March 2024. To participate in this workgroup, please visit the Water Quality Control Division’s engagement website to learn more and sign up: https://cdphe.colorado.gov/water-quality/water-quality- engagement/303d-listing-methodology. Rather than posting 303(d) Listing Methodology workgroup materials to multiple websites, materials will only be posted to the Division’s engagement website. Chair Skip Feeney (303) 691-4928 skip.feeney@state.co.us Coordinator Sarah Wheeler (303) 692-3436 sarah.wheeler@state.co.us The Division plans to launch this effort on September 20th, 2023. For more information and to sign up for the Listing Methodology workgroup please see the Division’s engagement webpage: cdphe.colorado.gov/water-quality-engagement/303d-listing-methodology. There are no documents available at this time.

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    Temperature Limits in Permits

    Overview Officials Meetings The purpose of this work group is to update WQP-23, “Procedures for Conducting Assessments for Implementation of Temperature Standards in Discharge Permits” and to identify outstanding issues related to implementing temperature standards into permits. The work group will consist of four stakeholder meetings beginning in January 2022. The first three meetings will be devoted primarily to updating WQP-23. The fourth meeting is to identify outstanding issues that cannot be addressed through the policy. Jan. 25, 9 a.m. - 10:50 a.m. Feb. 22, 9 a.m. - 10:50 a.m. March (date to be determined) May (date to be determined) Co-Chairs Meg Parish 303-692-3419 meg.parish@state.co.us Meghan Wilson 303-328-7809 wilsonm@bouldercolorado.gov The work group is anticipated to begin in January 2022. More information will be posted in December 2021. Sign up to participate in the work group at our signup page. View the documents for the January 25 meeting.

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    MS4 – Stormwater

    Overview Officials Meetings Documents Archives The MS4 Issues Stormwater Work Group was formed in 2012 to create an open forum to discuss stormwater-related permit issues. The first item for discussion was the roadway reconstruction memorandum prepared by CDPHE and issued on January 20, 2012. The memo stayed any enforcement issues on the roadway reconstruction issue until further dialogue could be had with the MS4 Issues Work Group. When available, the current year and previous year meeting summaries, presentations, and handouts are kept on this page. For documents older than two years, please visit the button for Archives or use the search function. The MS4 Workgroup meets quarterly. Each meeting will be spent examining one MS4 permit topic of interest and exploring: • Intent of the topic as it relates to permit requirements • The current requirements • Potential issues/challenges/impacts • Opportunities for improvements • Identifying any further action can support a better permit The intent of this format is for WQCD staff and stakeholders to collaborate on a common understanding of the issues and share knowledge in a way that results in future permits that maximize existing MS4 resources while meeting the intent of the permit requirement. Topics have included construction SWMP review requirements and post construction O&M inspection requirements. Chair Holly Piza 303-455-6277 hpiza@udfcd.org Coordinator Alan Searcy 303-987-7579 alans@lakewood.org Dates and Times July 24th, 11:30-1pm Oct. 23rd, 11:30-1pm   Jan. 22nd, 2025, 11:30-1pm April 23rd, 2025, 11:30-1pm July 23rd, 2025, 11:30-1pm Oct. 22nd, 2025, 11:30-1pm   Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 211 915 072 146 Passcode: R3AMBL Download Teams | Join on the web Or call in (audio only) +1 720-464-1105,,883802920#   United States, Denver Phone Conference ID: 883 802 920# Find a local number | Reset PIN Learn More | Meeting options Important Background Documents Construction Site Program Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Ensure Adequate Long-Term Operation and Maintenance of BMPs Permitting Options Post Construction Public Education and Outreach Public Participation Involvement Post Construction Stormwater-Pavement Management All archive materials can be found in the MS4 Stormwater archive folder.

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