Regulation 84 Rework

The reclaimed water workgroup was formed in 2020 to consider improvements to Regulation 84. Any changes would be proposed to the Water Quality Control Commission in May 2022. The goal of the division’s proposed changes would be to improve the regulation, make general clarifications and corrections, improve efficiency in the reclaimed water program and reduce repetitiveness in the regulation. Additionally, the division will consider alternative processes to authorize new uses. Details about stakeholder meeting information will be listed on the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment website.

In order to get a better handle on placement of documents and improve searchability, membership is requested to use the document naming convention explained in the document naming conventions guideline. If the submission does not follow the convention, the work group coordinator will be responsible for renaming the document before sending the file(s) to be posted. All files must be saved as a *.pdf before sending it to the web contact for posting.